Meaning of (बन्द करना) band karna in english

As noun : shutdown Ex:  The contents of a shutdown
cease Ex:  Antique title worn by the cities of Lazio and Italy, whose inhabitants were participating in Roman law bourgeoisie without them should cease to form cities except fasten
As verb : seal Ex:  The Theosophical Society uses a swastika as part of its seal call off shut Ex:  Butchart and Armstrong were forced to shut down the number three engine shutup shutoff shut up throttle~down cage Ex:  Windmill Pillar, masonry Massif finished cone, which is running the cage a windmill close Ex:  This is a close metric equivalent of 2,000 feet . turn out
Other : turn away closing down to cage shut-down shutting down disestablish impound to block Ex:  It said, in terms of Marine, one or several warships that come and go in some trimming, waiting for the enemy buildings to block a port and away from foreign vessels to impound to close Ex:  This requires an emergency EVA to close them manually. sheathe obturate incarcerate putoff to lock Ex:  SE Get Locked LOCK means to lock to obstruct to shut Ex:  Do you ever learn to shut up? I learned to my cost me to challenge him obstruct imprison Ex:  Ensure someone secure his person, Stop it, imprison to crib close in closing Ex:  The cops were closing in on the thugs . to hurdle to clasp to imprison to incarcerate empale bowery to intercept Ex:  Lannoy attempted to intercept the expedition near Fiorenzuola to foreclose mure enclose Ex:  Every owner has the right to enclose abolish Ex:  We were told the same, in terms of the Chancellery, off and abolish crime to abolish to fence to stuff to stop Ex:  Pope Pius XII was accused of not doing enough to stop Nazi atrocities. stuff Ex:  It also tells of the stuff made with merino wool stop Ex:  Pope Pius XII was accused of not doing enough to stop Nazi atrocities.
Suggested : to put (a door, cover, etc) in position to close or obstruct an object or device that shuts (something) off to put (a door, cover, etc) in position to close or obstruct to cry out in a loud voice shout an embossed emblem, figure, symbol, word , letter, etc, used as attestation or evidence of authenticity
Exampleबन्द करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(बन्द करना) band karna can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : banda karanaa

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